is a heavy solid board of wood hung by the front door of the Zendo. When this is struck, the monks know that the time is come for them to get up or to retire to bed or that a teisho is to take place, etc. The characters read
Birth-and-death is the grave event, Transiency will soon be here, Let each wake up [to this fact], And, being ever reverend, do not give yourselves up to dissipation."
HOKKU - the big drum
The eating bowl are traditionally used in a Rinzai Zen monastery. They are also called "measuring bowls" Below the order and a video of how to use them.
Below the words for the Jukai ceremony - a lay ordination ceremony
(Everyone reads together except underlined words read only by Roshi)
All my ancient twisted karma,
From beginningless greed, hate and delusion
Born of body, speech and mind,
I now fully avow
Sentient beings are numberless
I vow to liberate them.
Desires are inexhaustible
I vow to put an end to them.
The Dharmas are boundless
I vow to master them.
The Buddha’s way is unsurpassable
I vow to become it.
Awaken to the Universal Buddha!
Awaken to the Universal Dharma!
Awaken to the Universal Sangha!
I take refuge in the Buddha
I take refuge in the Dharma
I take refuge in the Sangha
I take refuge in the Buddha, honorable above all
I take refuge in the Dharma, honorable for its freedom from attachment
I take refuge in the Sangha, honorable for its harmony
I have taken refuge in the Buddha
I have taken refuge in the Dharma
I have taken refuge in the Sangha
Three Pure Precepts:
Commit no evil
Do every good
Purify your own mind
Ten Precepts:
1. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
To not kill life
2. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
To not consider anything as one’s own
3. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
Associations between a man and a women should be open, pure and bright
4. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
True words and true Mind are the base of attaining the Way
5. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
Do not delude the True Self
6. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
Do not point out other’s faults and mistakes
7. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
Do not praise yourself and degrade others
8. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
Do not be possessive with the Dharma Treasures
9. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
Do not indulge in anger
10. From the most clear, profound and subtle Mind,
Do not dishonor the Buddha, the Dharma or the Sangha
These traditional exercises are adviced to be done when sitting a lot of zazen or when starting with the practice of zazen.
Makko-ho was developed as way to rejuvenate the legs, correctly align the hips and spine, stimulate blood flow, sensitize the nervous system, and increase flexibility. Although the exercises are physical in nature, they make psychological demands of the practitioner. However, with persistence, patience, and a willingness to withstand minor pain, you will see some results in a short time and greater results over time.
There are only four exercise in Makko-ho. The following explanations and diagrams describe the ideal exercise positions. You probably will not be able to achieve the ideal positions in the beginning, and you may never achieve them, but results will come from achieving your best at each exercise.
Perform Makko-ho daily and hold each pose for about one minute.
ODZ Rinzai Zen Style rakusu sewing instructions
Here you can find all the needed information to run a sucessful sesshin kitchen, the hand book was made by Zentoku Koji.
The umpan is being struck to call the assembly to meals. Whenever the assembly moves in a group from the zendo or hondo to the Jikido (eaiting hall), the umpan is struck to call them. Instructions below