Gokokuzan Sogenji, the main monastery in Okayama Japan
The main monastery was build 300 years ago and Zen practice has been taken place there ever since. Great Zen masters came forth from this Zendo, and Shodo Harada Roshi is the 36 th abbot of the monastery. He is giving life to the vision of his teacher Yamada Mumon Roshi by mainly teaching foreign students as well as teaching abroad.
www.Sogenji. com
Hokuozan Sogenji monastery in Northern Germany
The old farm was bought in 2010 and ever since with the help of Werner as ingeneer and the sangha as man power reconstructed into a smooth functioning Zen monastery. The system was taken from Sogenji and slightly adjusted to Western culture.
Harada Roshi has been coming about 6 times each year to lead sesshins and guide the sangha in their deepening of mind.
Indozan Sogenji, Zen monastery in central India near Adhillabad
Bodhidhamma Osho is a long term student of the Roshi and now the abbot of Indozan Sogenji, the only Rinzai Zen Monastery in India recognized as a place of training by the head quarters Myoshinji Kyoto Japan.
Bodhidhamma is giving regular sesshins, and in August 2025 Shodo Harada Roshi will lead a sesshin in Indozan Sogenji as well.
You can contact Bodhi and recieve further information: bodhidhamma@Yahoo.com
One Drop Zendo Szczecin Poland
Born in 1983, a lay student of Roshi Shodo Harada, under whose guidance he began practicing Zen meditation at the age of 22. He has been refining his practice for over 20 years, regularly participating in meditation retreats led by Roshi in Japan and Europe. Since 2010, he has been leading Zen meditation and retreats in Szczecin. Architect, academic teacher, advanced freediving instructor, expands and deepens his meditative experiences also in drytooling and rock climbing.
Ninsei Robert Wiszowaty
Born in 1962, he has been refining his meditation practice in Japan and Poland for 20 years under the guidance of Zen master Roshi Shodo Harada. Since 2014, he has been leading annual 6-week introductory meditation workshops at ODZ Szczecin, where he strives to impart to participants contemporary scientific knowledge common to major religions, as well as practical breathing and meditation techniques for coping with modern human problems.
One Drop Zendo Hamburg, Germany
The One Drop Zendo in Hamburg is closely connected to Hokuozan Sogenji Monastery. Led by Dansai and Seitoku, the group offers a place for Zen practice in the city.
Dansai has been practicing Zazen for over 19 years and is training under Shodo Harada Roshi since 2007. He was present during the founding of Hokuozan Sogenji as well as the founding of the Hamburg group.
Seitoku joined in 2016 and regularly attends Sesshins at the German and Japanese monasteries under Shodo Harada Roshi. He helps DanSai with the group's activities, aiming to balance Zen practice with everyday life.
Together, they guide the group and open up the path to our teachers, Shodo Harada Roshi and ShoE Roshi.
One Drop Zendo Hungary
One Drop Zendo Ljubljana, Slovenia
Seijitsu is the leader of the One Drop Zen group in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has been involved with the skills of the Far East for approximately forty years. His work focuses primarily on the harmony of mind and body in martial arts and the cultivation of internal life energy (Ki). He pays special attention to the tradition of Shito-ryu Karate-do and it´s rich katas. His mentor Shodo Harada Roshi guides him on the Zen path and teaches him the true meaning of martial arts, which, together with zazen, serve as excellent tools for purifying the mind and experiencing unity. In October 2017, he received a lay ordination in the Rinzai Zen Buddhist tradition from Harada Roshi.
One Drop Zendo Ostende Belgium
On the left a foto of the zendo, in the middle Jiko Daishi who has done many years of training in Sogenji Japan and is the local leader of the zendo. On the right a foto of Sozen Koji, also a long term student of the Roshi and many years of experience in Sogenji. He is the main representative of the Belgium ODZ Sangha.
Jiko Daishi <jikodaishi@gmail.com>
ODZ Upsalla Sweden
Madenn moved from France to Japan when she was little. Having interest in Japanese culture and arts she has been practicing Tea Ceremony, Shodo and Kyudo. She facilitates Japanese Calligraphy workshops at One Drop Dojo Center in Uppsala. Several times per year she attends sesshins with Shodo Harada Roshi in Germany. Very meticulous and always eager to help others to cultivate their mind and heart but at the same time staying a humble student of life, she teaches the way of gentleness, kindness and wisdom
Marko facilitates people to practice Zen at One Drop Dojo and works fulltime as medical doctor in Uppsala, Sweden. He is a devoted student of Shodo Harada Roshi and ShoE Roshi
Memorial Fotos of Sesshins in Europe
Here you can find a list of webpages by ODZ groups
ODZ Copenhagen, Denmark
ODZ Hamburg Germany
ODZ Budapest Hungary
www.onedropzen.hu and www.zenkolostor.hu
ODZ Riga Latvia
ODZ Merida Mexico
ODZ Szczecin Poland
ODZ Russia
ODZ Ljubljana Slovenia
ODZ Sweden
ODZ Mexico
Tahoma Sogenji Monastery USA
ODZ Seattle USA:
Hidden Valley Zen Center USA